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Barkinside Babies, Residents and those looking for homes

If you would like to Sponsor any of our rescues you would help us greatly, our expenditure on food, vets, special food, medical care is huge each month and we struggle every day.


We always have over 30 dogs in our care and others coming in each week and we are lucky to have a good homing rate. The more we home the more we can save. It is thanks to your support and kindness that Barkinside can keep going and save lives, bless you all, I hope you like the album.




This album was created in 2015 when we opened, all photos and information are current. [as of today's date 28 February 2025]


The dogs in this album are either resident at Barkinside Sanctuary, with fantastic fosters or desperately looking for a family to love them. We try to help any dogs we can, no matter of age, health, condition, or size.


Some of them have been here for a short time and sadly some longer.

Some will stay with us at the sanctuary for good.

Some of them are small and some large.

But they all just want to be loved.


They all have big hearts and are waiting to share them with families,

or with us here.


They each have there own albums or they are being created. Please take a look and give those that can find a home a chance.


I update as often as I can, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me .


thank you

Mine and Barkinsides contact details: WhatsApp, Telephone (+34 697122883), Facebook Messenger etc, can all be found on the "Contact" page of this website..

If you would like to sponsor a dog or donate to those in our care please see the methods below, or check out the full details available on our website (financial help info here, info about how to donate food, items and blankets etc here) or this can either be by Paypal :


Internet Spanish account: ING Direct. : J Wood Barkinside.: ES 23 1465 0100 91 1722121320, BIC: INGDESMM.


English Account. Miss J Wood. Barclays Bank. 20-70-93 A/C 10215589



All dogs at the sanctuary have full medical and blood tests, full passport with innoculations and are sterilised or nuetured



If you are interesting in adopting or fostering one of our babies please PM me as I would hate to miss any comments.



Thank you

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About 10 years old


Leo, our gorgeous Shit tzu boy, He is about 10 years old.

Pigly wiggly

The Oh so gorgeous, Pigly wiggly


This girl is absolutely stunning, Our beautiful Sayuri. She is about 10 and is in the sanctuary

Reggie (another one)

Meet another beautiful Reggie. Only 11 months old and needing a forever family.



Lena, about 10 years old and again from an horrific situation

Rosie and Reggie

Rosie and Reggie. So stunning, so scared, from a place of absolute horror


Meet beautiful little Margo


This album was created in 2015 when we opened, all photos and information are current.


Alegria, one of the most stunning dogs I have ever seen, and one of the most beautiful natures. Now nearly 10 years old and no one has come to see her.


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